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DeepFake Liveness

FACIA's DeepFake Liveness Detection is an advanced biometric security feature that identifies and prevents sophisticated spoofing attempts, including deepfake images, AI-generated faces, and other digital manipulations. By leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms and real-time analysis, our technology detects inconsistencies in facial texture and depth, ensuring reliable and secure authentication.

Create DeepFake Liveness Transaction

This endpoint initiates a liveness detection check with optional deepfake analysis. Submit a request with the required image and configuration parameters to begin the verification process.




Token Type: Bearer
Description: This API utilizes Access token or Client-Secret key in header for authentication.

You can use your client_id and client_secret key when using the "/request-access-token" endpoint to obtain a Bearer token for authorization while connecting to this API. For additional details on Authorization, click Here

Run in Postman

Request Body Sample

//POST /deepfake-liveness  HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json

"type": "liveness",
"file": file.jpg, //In raw JSON, it will be base64:path, or in form-data, it will be a .jpg/.png file.
"detect_deepfake": 1,
"offsite_liveness": 1

Request Parameter

type Required: Yes
Type: string
Example: type=liveness
The type must be "liveness".
file Required: Yes
Type: file
Example: file=file.jpg
File must be of type .jpeg, .jpg or .png.
offsite_liveness Required: Yes
Type: Boolean
Example: offsite_liveness=true
offsite_liveness must be true. or 1.
detect_deepfake Required: Yes
Type: Boolean
Example: detect_deepfake=true
detect_deepfake must be true. or 1.

Response Sample

"status": true,
"message": "Transaction Created",
"result": {
"data": {
"reference_id": "W4437KIWN0KDM13"

Response Parameter

reference_id Type: string
Example: reference_id=W4437KIWN0KDM13
The unique identifier associated with the created transaction.

Retrieve DeepFake Liveness Result

After initiating a liveness check, use this endpoint to retrieve verification results. This includes liveness scores and deepfake detection insights.




Token Type: Bearer
Description: This API utilizes Access token or Client-Secret key in header for authentication.

You can use your client_id and client_secret key when using the "/request-access-token" endpoint to obtain a Bearer token for authorization while connecting to this API. For additional details on Authorization, click Here

Run in Postman

Request Body Sample

//POST /result HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json
//Authorization: Bearer <access-token-here>

"reference_id": "W4437KIWN0KDM13"

Request Parameter

reference_id Required: Yes
Type: string
Example: reference_id=W4437KIWN0KDM13
The unique identifier associated with the created transaction.

Response Sample

"status": true,
"message": "success",
"result": {
"data": {
"type": "liveness",
"reference_id": "6042D9CB4974EAB",
"client_reference": null,
"quick_liveness_response": 0,
"liveness_score": 0.2359273945279834,
"decline_code": "FADR25",
"decline_reason": "Deepfake Detected.",
"declined_proof": ""

Response Parameter

typestringSpecifies the type of request.
Example: liveness.
reference_idstringThe unique identifier for the liveness verification request.
Example: 6042D9CB4974EAB
client_referencestringThe reference ID provided by the client. If null, no reference was provided.
Example: null
quick_liveness_responseintegerA quick response indicator for liveness detection.
Example: 0
liveness_scorefloatThe confidence score representing the probability of a live presence.
Example: 0.2359273945279834
decline_codestringA specific decline code indicating the reason for rejection.
Example: FADR25
decline_reasonstringThe reason for declining the request.
Example: "Deepfake Detected."
declined_proofstringThe URL of the declined proof image used for verification. The URL expires after a set time.
Example: Declined Proof URL


FACIA's DeepFake Liveness Detection provides an advanced security layer by detecting and preventing deepfake and AI-generated facial fraud. The API endpoints allow seamless integration for liveness verification, ensuring a secure and robust biometric authentication process.