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Status Request

Upon completion of a verification request, you can inquire about the verification status by accessing the status endpoint. You’ll have to provide the reference ID for the desired verification and you will be promptly informed about the status of that verification.




client-secret: 'your_client_secret_key_here'

Make sure to include the client-secret in the headers for proper authorization. otherwise, you may encounter status:403 Forbidden.

Run in Postman

Request Body Samples:

//POST /status HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json

"reference_id": "123456789012345"

Request Parameter

reference_idRequired: Yes
Type: String
Example: reference_id="123456789012345"
The reference id of the request against which the status should be retrieved.

Response Sample

"status": true,
"message": "Success",
"result": {
"data": {
"reference_id": "123456789012345",
"type": "photo_id_match",
"status": "ACCEPTED",
"similarity_score": 0.9115378856658936,
"similarity_status": 1,
"quick_liveness_image": "",
"video": null,
"id_card_image": "",
"video_frame_1": null,
"video_frame_2": null

Response Parameter

reference_idThis contains the reference_id associated with the transaction.
Example: reference_id : 123456789012345
typeIndicates the type of service that was performed.
statusThis key tells about the updated status of the verification.
Example: status: ACCEPTED
similarity_status Type: string
Example: similarity_status=1
1 means matched and 0 means not matched.
similarity_score Type: string
Example: similarity_score=0.98
quick_liveness_imageThe URL contains the image proof that was provided/captured for the verification.
videoThis key contains the recorded video of the image proof during the verification process.
id_card_imageThis parameter contains the second image frame provided under face match service.

To seamlessly access the image, please retrieve it within 15 minutes otherwise, the link will expire and you will have to make an API call again.

Delete Request

After completing a transaction, you may use the delete request endpoint to delete the transaction. Please provide the reference ID for that request, and you will promptly be informed about the deletion of the transaction.




Token Type: Bearer

This API utilizes Access token or Client-Secret key in header for authentication.

You can use your client_id and client_secret key when using the "/request-access-token" endpoint to obtain a Bearer token for authorization while connecting to this API. For additional details on Authorization, click Here

Run in Postman

Request Body Samples:

//POST /delete HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json

"reference_id": "reference to be deleted",
"comment": "add_your_comment_here"


Request Parameter

reference_idRequired: Yes
Type: String
Example: reference_id="123456789012345"
This is the unique reference ID of request which needs to be deleted.
Type: String
Maximum: 255 characters
Add a comment why the request is deleted for your future reference.

Response Sample

"status": true,
"message": "Transaction has been deleted successfully!",
"result": {
"data": []

Rate Limiting

To maintain optimal performance and ensure fair utilization of our service, Facia implements request limits for both Production and demo accounts. There are 60 requests that can be generated in one minute.


Please note that the rate limit mentioned is subject to change. If you require a different rate limit or have specific needs, please contact our Tech Support Team at [email protected] to discuss the possibility of adjusting the rate limit for your account.