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Response Events

Events are sent in responses that show the status of the request. These events are sent in callbacks for both onsite and offsite verifications.

Following is the list of callbacks we receive in the callback function.

On SDK Completion

3D Liveness

Eventverification.acceptedVerification accepted callback in case of 3D Liveness
Eventverification.declinedVerification declined callback in case of 3D Liveness

Photo ID Match

Eventphoto_id.match_successVerification accepted callback in case of Photo ID Match
Eventphoto_id.match_failureVerification declined callback in case of Photo ID Match

On SDK Error

Eventpermission.deniedThis event is returned if the user did not give camera permissions to sdk.
Eventrequest.timeoutThis will occur if request has timed-out (user did not perform the requested action.)
Eventrequest.cancelledThis callback is returned when verification is cancelled midway by the end user
Eventerror.occurredThis event occures when an error appears on API processing
Eventinternet.issueThis event occurs when there is no internet
Eventemulator.detectedThis event occurs only on android devices if the end user is running app on emulator