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Config Object Parameters

In this object, we add handle Facia SDK according to the user's needs.

showConsentRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This is a boolean type parameter that determines whether to show consent screen or not. However, its default value is set as true.
showVerificationTypeRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This is a boolean type parameter that determines whether to show verification type screen or not. However, its default value is set as true.
livenessInstructionsRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This is a boolean type parameter that determines whether to show instructions on launch of camera or not, its default value is set as false.
showResultRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This is a boolean type parameter that determines whether to show result screen or not. However, its default value is set as true.
photo_id_matchRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If set to "true", this parameter enables Photo ID Match verification, and users can verify ID identity with their liveness. However, its default value is set as false.
livenessRetryFlowRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If set to "true", this parameter enables retries for Quick Liveness in case of 3D Liveness (If Quick Liveness declined). However, its default value is set as true.
documentRetryFlowRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If set to "true", this parameter enables retries for Quick Liveness in case of Photo ID Match (If Quick Liveness declined). However, its default value is set as true.
showMiddleInstructionsRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If set to "true", this parameter determines whether to show instructions before Quick Liveness' retry or not. However, its default value is set as true.
livenessRetryCountRequired: No
Type: Integer
Accepted Values: Integer values
It sets the number of Quick Liveness' retries you want to allow in case of 3D Liveness. However, its default value is set as 3.
documentRetryCountRequired: No
Type: Integer
Accepted Values: Integer values
It sets the number of Quick Liveness' retries you want to allow in case of Photo ID Match. However, its default value is set as 3.
faceDetectionThresholdRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: "Low", "Medium", "High"
It sets the threshold value to ask the user to fit the face in the oval when the Detailed Liveness is in process. However, its default value is set as "Low".
ovalSizeRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: "Small", "Medium", "Large"
It sets the Oval size when the Detailed Liveness is in process. However, its default value is set as "Medium".
livenessTypeRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: "Quick", "Detailed", "Default"
It sets the Liveness type in case of 3D Liveness. However, its default value is set as "Default".